Wednesday, October 10, 2012

gypsy land

last night, ella became a real gypsy. los gitanos are everywhere in Granada and we often aspire to be as sly as them. personally, i am not a good enough liar or suave enough to ever accomplish such a feat but before my own eyes last night ella transformed into a real life gitana. when we were out at a local discoteca, i watched her go beyond a roped off forbidden staircase, and downstairs to the abyss. when she returned she had a new drink. she had snuck down to the off limits downstairs bar where no one was, climbed on the bar and filled up her drink and came back up. later, a man approached her asking her to go outside. ella, thinking this was just another random creepy spanish dude, gave attitude. he then told he was a security guard and they had her on camera stealing the drink. she was honest about it and gave pouty eyes to this intimidating security guard. she asked for my keys (and this is why i could never be a gypsy) and i tried to get the guy to let her stay by giving him 'tude. i gave ella my keys to leave knowing she had something up her sleeve. next thing i know not only had she convinced the security guard to let her stay, but somehow got all of us a round a free drinks through this security guard. it was hands down the sliest and most impressive act i've ever seen. performed like a true gypsy. salu, ella

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