Thursday, September 6, 2012

snap back to reality (this is for you and mom and dad)

hola hombres. so i havent updated this in a while because this week was the first week of classes and it was quite a reality check. so first we had the placement test on monday which we were all kinda nervous for but had no idea what to expect (thanks tulane for the heads up) so ella and i woke up late and almost missed the test but we ran there and made it. i have no idea why we keep sleeping through our alarms but ella just bought and old school alarm with bells that probably wakes up people in Madrid when it goes off. anyway so we took the test and none of us placed where we should have to it was such a process this week switching classes and everything.

so because of this process, ella and i both had minor mental breakdowns. so this first month we're taking intensive language classes and it was pretty obvious from the beginning we should have been in higher levels but whatever. then we had to start planning for the rest of the semester on top of all this stress with the levels of this intensive class. so starting in october we have to take one language class (which counts for nothing at tulane, thanks again tu for making this such an easy process! not.), one class at the centro para lenguas modernas and two classes at the university of granada (with a spanish professor and spanish students........................). so trying to organize this schedule so that it would fit all together timewise, we would get credit for the classes, and maybe by some chance it would be something we were interested in was actually a nightmare. we've talked about it with each other so much over here i feel like i keep repeating myself but the whole process was so so annoying. 

so after a week of classes for 4 hours every day, probably a million emails, some tears, one anxiety attack, and a visit to the CEA office with everyone we have all finally figured everything out. I'll be in level 6 for this month and once i take the test october 1st I'll be in level 7 which places me perfectly into the Advanced Hispanic Studies program which i need to get credit back at tulane. Then i'm taking modern history and flamenco and music of andalucia at the university of granada. these classes will be with spaniards and other international students so that will be really interesting and a great way to learn the language. they'll be like american classes in spanish though so they'll be really effing hard but i'm trying to befriend a spaniard that will tutor me (do my hw for me). then my CLM class will be history of spanish film. now that its all settled I am definitely excited it was just the worst process ever and i never thought i would have to worry about class this much. So now CEA is setting us up with tutors and spanish students who are trying to learn english so we can all practice together before the test at the end of this month. sooooo abroad classes......not as much of a joke as i was hoping but whatever if i dont come back fluent just shoot me.

so after some destressing and a couple hugs from our program directors in the CEA office, we came home and ate and took a mini siesta. Then ella, kathryn, and i cleared our minds by running up the rio gentil which is a river that runs down the west side of Granada with fresh free flowing water form the sierra nevada. We didn't run very far but we got to a point where you could get in the water and it was so refreshing and clean it was glorious. on our way back we explored the outdoor gym that runs along the river but the only thing we understood was the monkey bars. we act like little ninas every chance we get but its always so fun i love it
rio gentil with a view of the sierra nevada
So tonight is karaoke night at this Irish bar (run by a Spanish man?) called Hannigans. For those of you who have been lucky enough to see me perform on the stage of Little Tokyo you know how amazing I am at karaoke. its like not a big deal but my voice is like a combination of fergie and jesus. I think i will probably redeem myself from the land ho this summer and perform "like a virgin" by none other than madonna. I'll get in on video for the romanians because i did bail out of that duet with ionut way back in july. needless to say its the perfect thing for all of us after this week heading into friday. we also have big plans for the weekend. its kathryns birthday (september 8 same day as you dad!) and we're going to take a bus to the beach for the day. much needed. So basically after this week, we realized even more how much tulane sucks organizationally and we've adopted the saying that they use all the time "no pasa nada" which basically means "don't worry" or "its nothing". it all works out and now we're finding great ways to relax and explore so now that everythings organized its only getting better from here. i'll keep you posted on karaoke and our beach excursions

adios guapas hasta luego

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